Ihre Suche ergab 13 Treffer.
Entrepreneurship and Structural Change in Dynamic Territories
Contributions from Developed and Developing Countries
Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)
106,99 € inkl. MwSt.
kostenloser Versand
lieferbar - Lieferzeit 10-15 Werktage
New Paths of Entrepreneurship Development
The Role of Education, Smart Cities, and Social Factors
Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem
128,39 € inkl. MwSt.
Recommended Retail Price
kostenloser Versand
lieferbar - Lieferzeit 10-15 Werktage
New Paths of Entrepreneurship Development
The Role of Education, Smart Cities, and Social Factors
Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)
139,09 € inkl. MwSt.
kostenloser Versand
lieferbar - Lieferzeit 10-15 Werktage