July, August, September 2012
Juillet, Août, Septembre 2012 / Juli, August, September 2012 ” “
Produktform: Buch / Geheftet
A catalogue/exhibition which takes its role model in the catalogue exhibition July, August, September 1969 published by s Seth Siegelaub.
Cover and backcover show a world map, with the “western” hemisphere on the front cover. The book format ist DIN A4, the European standard office format.
Seth Siegelaub contributed a current position within the 2012 book. He is also portrayed in his Amsterdam home with a photograph of his long and blurry shadow.
20,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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lieferbar - Lieferzeit 10-15 Werktage
Working Drawings and Other Visible Things on Paper Not Necessarily Meant To Be Viewed
Produktform: Buch / Einband - flex.(Paperback)
AA Bronson, Anonymus*, Inaki Bonillas, Mel Bochner, Marcel Broodthaers*, Heath Bunting, Alice Creischer, Brad Downey, Kenneth Goldsmith, Ellen Harvey, Burkhard Holdorff, Douglas Huebler*, Deborah Kelly, Sol LeWitt*, nature*, Akim Nguyen, Edgar Orlaineta, Grisha Perelman*, Michalis Pichler, Peter Piller, Adrian Piper, Johannes Raether, Allen Ruppersberg, Stefan Schuster, Andreas Siekmann, Evgenia Tsalagrada, Xerox*, Haegue Yang, Adam Zaretsky
* “found” material
A conceptual collection of xeroxes of drawings, notices and other material of artists and other people, put together by Michalis Pichler
The title is a paraphrase of Mel Bochners landmark project from 1966 as organized with the SVA, which nowadays is considered the first exhibition of conceptual art. The last two words 'art imprimé, Chatou, ISBN 2-912483-57-3,
Eine konzeptuelle Sammlung an Fotokopien von Zeichnungen, Notizen und anderem Bildmaterial von (nicht nur aber in erster Linie:) Kuenstlern, zusammengestellt von Michalis Pichler.
Idee und Titel des Buches sind eine Paraphrase eines 1966 von Mel Bochner realisierten Projektes, das heute gemeinhin als erste Ausstellung konzeptueller Kunst angesehen wird.
50,00 € inkl. MwSt.
kostenloser Versand
lieferbar - Lieferzeit 10-15 Werktage