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Asset Tracing & Recovery

The FraudNet World Compendium

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

„Crime does not pay“. What sounds so easy in theory is hard to keep in practice. Globalization has given criminals an unlimited number of possibilities especially in offshore areas to hide deprived assets. Bernd Klose and the international experts of FraudNet deliver necessary knowledge for tracing & recovering assets worldwide. They show: - the great variety of fraudulent techniques, - international available remedies, - supranational legal sources, - basics of asset tracing and recovery in common law and civil law, - respective national laws, regulations and proceedings of over 40 countries. Addresses and templates make this book a useful work of reference for the daily fight against fraud. For worldwide access to the country specific data, an internet password is provided with the eBook.weiterlesen

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Sprache(n): Englisch

ISBN: 978-3-503-12471-8 / 978-3503124718 / 9783503124718

Verlag: Erich Schmidt Verlag

Erscheinungsdatum: 05.05.2010

Seiten: 1145

Auflage: 1

Zielgruppe: Staatsanwälte und Strafverfolgungsbehörden; Mitarbeiter in Schadensabteilungen von Versicherungen; Rechtsanwälte; Interne Revisoren; Mitarbeiter im Kreditwesen Federal prosecutors and staff of law enforcement agencies; staff of claims department of insurance companies; attorneys with specialization business fraud; internal auditors; banking staff with specialization on money laundering

Beiträge von Michael Kuhn, Jonathan Wild, John Greenfield, Bernd H. Klose, Jonathan Altalef, Lucas E. Barreiros, Gabrielle A. J. Beam, Stephane Bonifassi, Ava J. Borrasso, Chris Browne, Tim Canneyt, Michele Caratsch, Alfonso M. Carrillo, Kathryn Clough, Edward H. Davis, Roberto Durrieu, Anette C. Escobar, Emmanuel Roger France, Jasper Frieling, Shankhnad Ghurburrun, Douglas J. Giuliano, Fernando Gonzalez, Barnabie Gowrie, Roberta Guaineri, Joanna Heskia, Jonathan L. Howell, Guillermo Jorge, Martin S. Kenney, Marta Y. Khomyak, Michael S. Kim, Yves Klein, Bettina Knoetzl, Arnoldo B. Lacayo, Siegbert Lampert, Jeff Lane, Ian N. Levy, Matthew R. Lindsay, Otto Eduardo Fonseca Lobo, Andrew C. Lourie, Antenor Madruga, Lewis Man, Fabio Marelli, Isaac S. Marrache, Peter D. Maynard, Kees Meent, David M. Mizrachi, Diarmad Murray, Keiron Murray, Babajide Ogundipe, Steven Philippsohn, Mariana Piccirilli, Cathalijne Plas, Bernardo Porras, Paula Puusaari, Christopher Redmond, Rudolf Schächle, Nish Kumar Shetty, Petri Taivalkovski, Joseph J. Wielebinski, Andrew Witts, Tim Van Canneyt, Kees van de Meent, Cathalijne van der Plas

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