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Bayesian inference for discretely observed diffusion processes, Delft, 2015.

proefschrift ter verkri jging van de graad van doctor aan de technische universiteit delft op gezag van de rector magnificus prof. ir. k.c.a.m. luyben, voorzitter van het college voor promoties, in het openbaar te verdedigen op 10 maart 2015 om 12:30 uur

Produktform: Buch

The goal of this doctoral project was to develop, justify and implement Bayesian procedures for discretely observed diffusion processes. In the remainder of this introduction we will explore the concepts of diffusion processes and Bayesian inference for discretely observed data a bit more and then give the reader a taste of some ideas which will be of importance later on. A thorough treatment of the underlying theory can for example be found in the monograph on inference for stochastic processes by Liptser and Shiryaev (2001).weiterlesen

Sprache(n): Englisch

ISBN: 978-3-943556-43-8 / 978-3943556438 / 9783943556438

Verlag: Blaues Schloss Marburg

Erscheinungsdatum: 24.03.2015

Seiten: 160

Auflage: 1

Autor(en): Moritz Schauer

24,50 € inkl. MwSt.
kostenloser Versand

lieferbar - Lieferzeit 10-15 Werktage
