Das Online-Berichtsheft
Stärkung der Lernortkooperation in der dualen Berufsausbildung durch Web2.0
Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem
This publication documents the research and development project "BLok - Online-Berichtsheft zur Stärkung der Lernortkooperation (online report book to strengthen the learning centres cooperation)". The aim of the project was the development and trial of an interdisciplinary online report book for dual education. This new online report book includes, amongst others a competence portfolio for the assessment of individual learning progresses and documents - as legally stipulated - the documentation of the timing and factual process of the education. By using this web technology, with the help of which information may be stored irrespective of locations and times, the report book is able to strengthen the learning centres cooperation in particular.
After an analysis of the current use of media in in-house education the book documents the entire development, trial and market launch of the project as well as its accompanying scientific research.weiterlesen
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