Der Zuständigkeitswechsel nach § 126 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Strafprozessordnung.
Die prozessuale Überholung der Haftbeschwerde im Konflikt mit dem Beschleunigungsgrundsatz und dem Recht auf effektiven Rechtsschutz.
Produktform: Buch / Einband - flex.(Paperback)
»The Change of Jurisdiction According to § 126 Section 2 Sentence 1 Criminal Procedure Code«
According to German case law, a pre-trial detention order after indictment cannot be challenged by appeal due to § 126 II 1 StPO. Alessa Trunk is the first to take an academic look at this practice, taking into account the principle of speeding up proceedings in detention cases and the right to effective legal protection. In this respect, considerable legal deficits are identified. Alessa Trunk develops a practice in conformity with the Constitution and the Convention and a legislative proposal.weiterlesen
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