Dimensions of Food
Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem
An Aspen Food Science Text Series Book. Now in its fourth edition, continues to be the most up-to-date, comprehensive food laboratory manual available. Reflecting the many advances occurring in the food and nutrition fields, this new edition provides students with an integrated approach to the science of food, the nutritional contents of food, and the effects of processing on the contents. The authors offer a variety of stimulating exercises and laboratory discussions through which students explore and comprehend the multidimensional nature of food decisions important in the 90's. Students learn specific principles of food nutrition and preparation through demonstrations and experiments of products. They also gain an understanding of cost issues related to solving nutritional problems. Questions and problems throughout facilitate application of principles to many food situations. New features of this edition include a discussion of dietary guidelines and the Food Guide Pyramid. Current information about food legislation and mandated food labeling is also provided. In line with current interests in nutrition, exercises emphasize the preparation of fruits and vegetables, varieties of grains, as well as plant proteins. Throughout the manual careful attention is given to the preserving of major nutrients and palatability quality. The recipes have been revised to reduce total fat, saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol, yet retain flavor and appeal. In addition, an entire section has been devoted to sanitary issues, from factors affecting the microbial safety of foods to sanitation and food preparation. Dimensions of Food, Fourth Edition provides students taking courses in nutrition, dietetics, foodservice, and food science with a variety of learning experiences that move from basic demonstrations of key principles to their applications. Once the manual is completed it becomes an essential tool for future practice on the job. For further clarification of the material presented, look to Vaclavik's, , as a practical, companion text, covering all the physical and chemical aspects of food. weiterlesen
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