Essays in the history of dialect studies
From ancient Greece to modern dialectology
Produktform: Buch
Raf Van Rooy: Introduction: Towards a long history of dialect studies
— Part 1: ANTIQUITY AND THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES: Anna Novokhatko: Awareness of linguistic variation in Archaic and Classical Greece // Cécile Conduché: Latin et dialectes grecs chez Priscien. De la périphérie au centre
— Part 2: THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD: Elizaveta Zimont: Variation diatopique dans la lexicographie françaisnéerlandais aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Réception et usage des marques diatopiques // Raf Van Rooy: The riddle of the Greek language unraveled by a Renaissance Oedipus. Otto Walper and his manual on the Greek dialects (1589) // Josef Eskhult: The concept of DIALECT in the works of three seventeenth-century linguistic theorists: Georg Stiernhielm, Claudius Salmasius and Christian Ravius. An exploratory survey of their intellectual contexts, defining criteria, and classificatory aims
— Part 3: THE MODERN PERIOD: Carita Klippi: Dialect and its technologies. Communities of practice in Gallo-Romance dialectology // Joseph Reisdoerfer: Du glossaire «romantique» à l’atlas linguistique. Aperçu critique sur l’histoire de la dialectologie en Lorraine romane // Alicia Beckford Wassink & Nicole Chartier: Insufficient documentation in contemporary dialectology. The case of Washington state