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First Steps for Building SAPUI5 Mobile Apps

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

Overwhelmed with the options for building mobile apps with SAPUI5? This guide offers a comprehensive introduction to SAP UI5 mobile apps in Eclipse, SAP Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Visual Studio. Explore how to build business and data-driven applications using different platforms to deploy hybrid applications to multiple devices. Walk through the different environments that can be used with SAPUI5. Review best practices for leveraging the Model View Controller (MVC). Examine the advantages of development in an Eclipse environment, along with how to leverage SAP Mobile SDK and the SAP Gateway. By using detailed examples, tips, and screenshots, the author brings readers quickly up to speed on the fundamentals of building mobile apps: - Introduction to mobile and SAPUI5 development - Steps for building mobile apps in Eclipse, SAP Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Visual Studio - How to deploy apps to multiple devices - Advantages and disadvantages of using different environmentsweiterlesen

Elektronisches Format:

Sprache(n): Englisch

ISBN: 978-3-9601268-4-3 / 978-3960126843 / 9783960126843

Verlag: Espresso Tutorials

Erscheinungsdatum: 08.11.2018

Seiten: 154

Auflage: 1

Autor(en): Robert Burdwell, Burdwell

9,99 € inkl. MwSt.
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lieferbar - Lieferzeit 10-15 Werktage
