Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry
Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem
Impressive in its overall size and scope, this five-volume reference work provides researchers with the tools to push them into the forefront of the latest research. The Handbooks covers all of the chemical aspects of nuclear science starting from the physical basics and including such diverse areas as the chemistry of transactinides and exotic atoms as well as radioactive waste management and radiopharmaceutical chemistry relevant to nuclear medicine. The nuclear methods of the investigation of chemical structure also receive ample space and attention. The international team of authors consists of 77 world-renowned experts - nuclear chemists, radiopharmaceutical chemists and physicists - from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Holland, Japan, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States. The Handbooks are an invaluable reference for nuclear scientists, biologists, chemists, physicists, physicians practicing nuclear medicine, graduate students and teachers - virtually all who are involved in the chemical and radiopharmaceutical aspects of nuclear science. The Handbooks also provide for further reading through its rich selection of references.weiterlesen
1.347,08 € inkl. MwSt.
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