Intervention in the translation process is not new and was enacted more excessively in the past
than today. Three issues that intervene in the process of translation are namely ideology, culture, and power. The most dangerous interventions are caused by ideology in totalitarian regimes. Ideological orientations interfere with power relations and cultural items as well as literary production and translation. However, ideology is hidden in any language use, its meaning is embedded in any text or discourse, and its manipulative power has been enacted at any level in the process of translation. In the 50s and 60s, translators began to evaluate the techniques to affect the target audience through translation. They began to consider how to ideologically manipulate the texts to achieve this goal. Referring to Lefevere’s (1992) view, by a means of translation it is possible to motivate a nation’s ideological dogmatism or racism, and to engage the world in an ideological battle since as a main policy, ideology exists at any level of translation. The ideological translation can be seen as a threat to the national identity, culture, and power in society. To cope with such a problem in translation, power controls the filtering process by all means. Yet it not only controls the linguistics property of the text but the cultural/ideological aspects of the text and the sociopolitical situation in which the text is produced and comprehended.weiterlesen