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John Locke

Symposium Wolfenbüttel 1979

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

Frontmatter -- Vorbemerkung -- Contents -- Einführung / Brandt, Reinhard -- Locke's Doctrine of Abstraction: Some Aspect of its Historical and Philosophical Significance / Ayers, Michael R. -- Observations on the First Draft of the Essay concerning human understanding / Brandt, Reinhard -- Individuality and Clientage in the Formation of Locke's Social Imagination / Dunn, John -- The Concept of Experience in John Locke / Krüger, Lorenz -- Locke's Liberal Theory of Parenthood / Leites, Edmund -- Locke's Strange Doctrine of Punishment / von Leyden, Wolfgang -- John Locke and the Nominalist Tradition / Milton, John R. -- Locke, Law and the Laws of Nature / Rogers, G.A.J. -- Locke, Descartes and the Science of Nature / Schankula, H.A.S -- Locke's Concept of Person / Thiel, Udo -- Locke, Leibniz, and the Reality of Ideas / Woolhouse, Roger S. -- Locke and Malebranche: Two Concepts of Ideas / Yolton, John W. -- Index of Names -- Index of Subjects -- Index of References to, and Quotations from, Locke's Works -- Backmatterweiterlesen

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Sprache(n): Deutsch

ISBN: 978-3-11-086164-8 / 978-3110861648 / 9783110861648

Verlag: De Gruyter

Erscheinungsdatum: 26.08.2013

Seiten: 234

Auflage: 1

Einleitung von Reinhard Brandt


159,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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