Journey to our Inner Core, our Chakras and our Health, DVD set
DVD set
Produktform: DVD-ROM 2
Brenda was born in a tiny village in the north-east of England, and has come a
long way since then, although her roots in that area remain deep and strong.
Having felt ‘different’ for as long as she can remember, it’s not surprising that her
work has been somewhat different too.
A pharmacist initially, Brenda then studied medicine, her first love being surgery.
However after a depressive illness almost thirty years ago, which she rates as
one of the greatest gifts in her life, she trained as a psychiatrist. As a consultant
psychiatrist she has had a huge practice, initially within the National Health
Service and later in the private sector. She has held the posts of Medical Director,
Director of Clinical Development, Director of Services for Women, and Director of
Acute Services at a variety of hospitals in the south of England and London.
As a spiritual healer, Brenda has combined the ancient and the modern, east
and west, orthodox and complementary, in her busy practice, and over the years
developed a method of working with people which allows them to be active
partners in their healing, and to use their body, mind and soul to their utmost to
become ‘the best that they can be’.
Brenda lives in her spiritual home in Zambia where she writes and works with
local people and children. She travels internationally to teach and address
Brenda Davies can be contacted at
DVD production and distribution by AVRecord
Dorfstr. 12 DE 23730 Roge +49 4561 50424 www.avrecord.deweiterlesen