Pathway Professional
Arbeitsbuch Englisch für das Berufliche Gymnasium (Einführungs- und Qualifikationsphase) / Schülerband: mit Filmanalyse-Software auf CD-ROM
Produktform: Medienkombination
InhaltsübersichtRefresher Course (11)
Being Young: Life at Home and Abroad
Ready, Steady, Go? – The Experience of Work
Basic and Advanced Courses (12/13)
Courting the Consumer: Between Sales and Services
Making Yourself Understood - The English Language in Use
Do We Get What We Deserve? - Personal Identities and Social Relationships
Learning for Life? Lifelong Learning? – Teaching, Learning and Education
A World on the Move: Global Migration and Mobility
Technology and Society: Steam, Steel and Science
Technological Progress and Responsibility – (Green) Technology to Save the World?
The Global Challenge – Economy Worldwide
All the World’s a Stage: Art and Literature
The Culture Industry: Perception, Persuasion & Promises in the Media
Systemvoraussetzungen für die beigefügte CD-ROM: CD-ROM-Laufwerk, Internet-Explorer 7, Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10weiterlesen
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