Potential Theory
Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem
The ?rst six chapters of this book are revised versions of the same chapters in the author’s 1969 book, Introduction to Potential Theory. Atthetimeof the writing of that book, I had access to excellent articles,books, and lecture notes by M. Brelot. The clarity of these works made the task of collating them into a single body much easier. Unfortunately, there is not a similar collection relevant to more recent developments in potential theory. A n- comer to the subject will ?nd the journal literature to be a maze of excellent papers and papers that never should have been published as presented. In the Opinion Column of the August, 2008, issue of the Notices of the Am- ican Mathematical Society, M. Nathanson of Lehman College (CUNY) and (CUNY) Graduate Center said it best “. . . When I read a journal article, I often ?nd mistakes. Whether I can ?x them is irrelevant. The literature is unreliable. ” From time to time, someone must try to ?nd a path through the maze. In planning this book, it became apparent that a de?ciency in the 1969 book would have to be corrected to include a discussion of the Neumann problem, not only in preparation for a discussion of the oblique derivative boundary value problem but also to improve the basic part of the subject matter for the end users, engineers, physicists, etc.weiterlesen
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