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Proceedings of the seventh International Congress of Phonetic Sciences / Actes du Septième Congrès international des sciences phonétiques

Held at the University of Montreal and McGill University, 22–28 August 1971 / Tenu á l’ Université de Montréal et á l’ Université McGill, 22–28 août 1971

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

Frontmatter -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS/REMERCIEMENTS -- CONTENTS / TABLE DES MATIÈRES -- INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES OF PHONETIC SCIENCES / CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAUX DES SCIENCES PHONÉTIQUES -- PERMANENT COUNCIL FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES OF PHONETIC SCIENCES / CONSEIL PERMANENT POUR L'ORGANISATION DES CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAUX DES SCIENCES PHONÉTIQUES -- VIITHINTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PHONETIC SCIENCES / VIIE CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAL DES SCIENCES PHONÉTIQUES -- PART I. OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE CONGRESS / SÉANCE INAUGURALE -- PART II. REPORTS IN PLENARY SESSIONS RAPPORTS / DES SÉANCES PLÉNIÈRES -- Essai sur la physiologie du son laryngé / Lafon, Jean-Claude -- Vocal Chords Activity: Its Dynamics and Role in Speech Production / Ondráčková, Jana -- Perceptual Mechanisms at the First Level of Speech Processing / Fourcin, Adrian -- Phonetics and the Description of Language / Lindblom, Björn E.F. -- Intonation and Prosody / Artemov, Vladimir A. -- Où en sont les études sur l'intonation? / Léon, Pierre R. -- La théorie de la phonologie / Pilch, Herbert -- Theoretical Issues in Phonology in the 1970's / Halle, Morris -- Sources of Inter- and Intra-Speaker Variability in the Acoustic Properties of Speech Sounds / Stevens, Kenneth N. -- Voice Recognition by Man, Animal, and Machine / Truby, Henry M. -- On the Evolution of Human Language / Lieberman, Philip -- PART III. PAPERS OF SECTION MEETINGS / COMMUNICATIONS DE SECTION -- SECTION A. PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL PHONETICS / PHONÉTIQUE PHYSIOLOGIQUE ET PHONIATRIE -- A Critical Investigation of Click Symbolism / Breckwoldt, G.H. -- Phonetic Factors Affecting Intraoral Air Pressure Associated with Stop Consonants / Brown, W.S. / Ruder, Kenneth F. / Ruder, Kenneth F. -- Tonhöhenverhältnisse beim weichen und gehauchten Einsatz / Förster, Hayo / Smith, Svend -- Phoneme Cognition : Theoretical Aspects of Neuro-Cortical Activity / George, Don -- Nouvelle contribution à la connaissance physiologique de l'opposition: sourde/sonore / Hadj-Salah, Abderrahman -- Single Motor Unit Potentials in Speech Musculature / Hanson, Robert J. / Sussman, Harvey / Macneilage, Peter F. -- Three Major Vocal Registers: A Proposal / Hollien, Harry -- A Cross-Cultural Study of Adolescent Voice Change in European Males / Hollien, Harry / Hollien, Patricia A. -- Directionality of Voicing and Aspiration in Initial Position / Kim, Chin-Wu -- A Suggested Means to Study the Forces on the Basilar Membrane During the Audition of a Speech Sound / Krishnamurthy, K.H. -- Control of the Tongue in Vowels / Ladefoged, Peter / Clerk, Joseph L. De / Harshman, Richard -- A Description of Certain Phonetic Tendencies as Etiological Factors in Functional Voice Disorders / Lawrence, Teleté Zorayda -- Laryngeal Articulation in Swedish / Lindqvist, Jan -- Glottal Modes in Consonant Distinctions / Lisker, Leigh / Abramson, Arthur S. -- Velopharyngeal Function: An Electromyographic Study / Lubker, James F. / Fritzell, J. / Lindqvist, Jan -- Dynamic Palatography of Selected Syllables / Mcglone, Robert E. / Proffit, William R. -- The Glottal Volume Velocity Waveform during Loose and Tight Voiced Glottal Adjustments / Rothenberg, Martin -- Correlations entre les mouvements articulatoires et les variations formantiques / Santerre, Laurent -- Aerodynamic and Acoustic Patterns of Speech / Scully, Celia -- Some Physiologic Correlates of Voice Frequency Change / Shipp, Thomas / McGlone, Robert -- Air Pressure Sensitivity of Soft Palate in Closed Position / Smith, Svend -- New Observations of Certain CV and VC Transitions / Sovijärvi, Antti -- Segmentation articulatoire et acoustique des diphtongues allemandes / Vater, Sibylle -- Acoustic Correlates of Vocal Roughness : a Resume and Extension / Wendahl, Ronald W. -- Brain Damage and Phonological Organization / Whitaker, Harry A. -- SECTION B. ACOUSTIC AND PERCEPTUAL PHONETICS / PHONÉTIQUE ACOUSTIQUE ET PERCEPTUELLE -- Voice Timing in Korean Stops / Abramson, Arthur S. / Lisker, Leigh -- Composing with Speech / Anhalt, István -- A Three Feature System for English Vowels / Berry, Richard C. -- Some Determinants of Error Responses in the Aural Identification of Words / Black, John W. -- The Perception of Obstruent Clusters / Bond, Z.S. -- The Perception of Maleness and Femaleness in the Voice and its Relationship to Vowel Formant Frequencies / Coleman, Ralph O. -- Perception of Segmented Diphthongs / Gerber, Sanford E. -- Zur Akustischen Struktur stimmloser Frikativlaute / Glave, R. Dieter -- The Analog Cochlea as a Tool in Phonetic Research / Godfrey, John J. -- Auditory Imperception in Children : A Study of Spelling Errors / Golick, Margaret -- Identification of Argentine Spanish Vowels / Guirao, Miguelina / Manrique, Ana Maria B. De -- Ancient Indian Conception of Acoustic Speech Signal and its Perception / Gupta, Moti Lal -- Lexical Redundancy in Speech Perception: Vigilant Memory / Hofmann, Thomas R. -- Perception of Temporally-Segmented Speech / Huggins, A.W.F. -- Human Channel Capacity in Producing One-Dimensional Vocal Sounds / Hupet, Michel -- Some Implications and Applications of Using Digital Sound Spectra / Iivonen, Antti -- Einige akustische Parameter zur Sprecherklassifikation / Kirstein, Michael -- Experiments with the Perception of Nasality / Koutstaal, Cornelis W. -- Some Acoustic and Perceptual Correlates of Speaker Identification / Lariviere, Conrad -- Acoustic Theory of the Parrot / Mol, Hendrik -- Phonemic and Prosodie Interference and Intelligibility / Nash, Rose -- L'intensité spécifique des voyelles / Rossi, Mario -- Phonetic Distortion in the HeO2 Environment / Rothman, Howard B. / Hollien, Harry -- Eine sprecherunabhängige [a,o] - Erkennung / Rupprath, Robert -- L’influence de la durée sur l’ajustement du cadre vocalique interne / Serniclaes, Willy -- Implication of the Perception of Similarities for Phonetic Theory / Singh, Sadanand / Woods, David R. -- Ein Computerprogramm zur Untersuchung von Einzelperioden phonetischer Signale / Stock, Dieter -- Synchronic/Diachronic Variation of the Type /CV1lV1/ ~ /CIV1/ in the Gã Language : An Instance of the Backward Masking Effect of a Strong Sound Stimulus on a Short, Weak, Preceding Stimulus ? / Trutenau, H.M.J. -- Beziehungen zwischen Intensität und Tonhöhe im artikulierten Sprachschall / Vieregge, Wilhelm H. / Glave, R. Dieter -- Identification des occlusives intervocaliques / Wajskop, Max -- Perceptual Parameters of Vowel Duration and Quality in German / Weiss, Rudolf -- SECTION C. DESCRIPTIVE AND HISTORICAL PHONETICS /PHONÉTIQUE DESCRIPTIVE ET ÉVOLUTIVE -- A Cinefluorographic-Phonologic Investigation of Emphatic Sound Assimilation in Arabic / Ali, Latif Hassan / Daniloff, Raymond G. -- Phonetics in Reconstruction and Phonetic Reconstruction / Anttila, Raimo -- Le phonème /g/ dans les parlers arabes citadins de Tunisie / Baccouche, Taïeb -- Une dissimilation de continuité et d'antériorité en français contemporain / Bibeau, Gilles -- La gémination consonantique dans un parler breton (Argol) / Bothorel, André -- Temporal Ratios of Sound Segments and the Perception of English Dialect Differences / Bush, Clara N. -- The Influence of Native Languages on the Phonology of American Spanish / Cassano, Paul V. -- Labialisation in Causasian Languages, with Special Reference to Abkhaz / Catford, John C. -- The Background of the Spoken Word in the Speech-Lore of India / Chatterji, Suniti Kumar -- Restructuring of Phonetic Rules in Modern Hebrew / Chayen, Maurice J. -- Segmental Features of Tepehua Whistle Speech / Cowan, George M. -- Consonnes complexes et nasalisation en Ewondo du Cameroun / Deltel, Jean-Roland -- Variabilité phonétique et théorie de la dialectologie / Francescato, Giuseppe -- What Can Be Gleaned of the Phonetics of the Chinese Anciently Taken Over in Viêt-nam? / Gage, William W. -- Quantity in Icelandic / Garnes, Sara -- Die Berechnung der phonetischen Variabilität: ein Beitrag zum objektiven Vergleich phonetischer Texte / Geršić, Slavko -- Linguistic Change Observed : Three Types of Phonological Change in the Scotch-Irish Dialects / Gregg, Robert J. -- Quantitative und Qualitative Differenzen von /a( : )/ — Realisationen im Deutschen / Heike, Georg -- Some Reflections on Spontaneous English Speech, with Sample / Jürgensen, Bengt -- Phonetic and Linguistic Study of the Whistled Speech of Kuskoy, Turkey / Moles, Abraham A. / Busnel, R.G. -- The Phonetic Environment as the Determiner of the Allomorphic Forms of The in Standard Arabic / Nasr, Raja T. -- Zum Erwerb des estnischen Phonemsystems in estnisch- und schwedischsprachiger Umgebung / Oksaar, Els -- Phénomènes phonétiques en ancien portugais / Fonseca, Fernando Venâncio Peixoto Da -- The Simple Vowel and Semi-vowel Phonemes of English / Perry, Joseph A. -- Intonational and Vowel Correlates in Contrasting Dialects : A Suggestion for Further Research / Von Raffler Engel, Walburga -- Can Functional Load Explain some Danish Sound Developments ? / Ringgaard, K. -- Le traitement des consonnes intervocaliques en français québécois: étude de phonétique expérimentale / Rochette, Claude -- Sur les voyelles roumaines ă [a] et î [i̶] / Rosetti, Alexandre -- German Phonetics: A Survey / Schindler, Frank / Thürmann, Eike -- Quelques observations sur l’identification des allophones transgressifs et digressifs / Sederqvist, Pirkko-Anni -- Neutralisation vocalique comparée en France et au Québec -- Some Aspects of Lusatian Phonology : A Transformational Treatment / Vanek, Anthony L. -- On Phonological Adaptation / Wells, John C. -- Le caractère génétiquement composite des changements phonétiques du malgache / Wittmann, Henri -- SECTION D. PROSODIC FEATURE ANALYSIS / ANALYSE DES FAITS PROSODIQUES -- Visual Feedback and Intonation Learning / Abberton, Evelyn -- Tone-Intonation Relationships / Abe, Isamu -- English Speech Rhythm and the Foreign Learner / Adams, Corinne -- Syllable Structure and Sentence Rhythm — A Cross-Language Study / Allen, George D. / Ladefoged, Peter -- Some Aspects of English Language Interference in Learning German Intonation / Anderson, Keith O. -- Recherches sur l’intonation du français: traits significatifs et non significatifs / Autesserre, Denis / Di Cristo, Albert -- Corrélation des durées sous l’accent en français / Beauchemin, Normand -- Male-Female Intonation Patterns in American English / Brend, Ruth M. -- La pression sous-glottique, corrélat de la mise en valeur dynamique (‘accent d’insistance’) en français contemporain / Carton, Fernand / Marchal, Alain -- Perceptual Experiments on Dutch Intonation / Collier, René / ’T Hart, Johan -- Contribution à l’étude du niveau d’analyse des structures prosodématiques / Faure, Georges -- A Note on the Role of Pitch as an Element of the Accent Within Synthetic Pairs of Syllables / Gutknecht, Christoph -- L’apparition des registres des langues à tons ponctuels / Haudricourt, André G. -- Word Accentual Patterns in Guyanese English (GE) Compared with British English (RP Norm) / Holder, Maurice -- Some Experiments on the Perception of Mandarin Tones / Howie, John M. -- The Significance of Pauses / Kohler, Klaus J. -- Rôle de l’intonation dans l’information émotionnelle de phrases allemandes synthétisées / Köster, Jens-Peter -- Temporal Patterns of Speech Rate Alterations / Lass, Norman J. / Deem, Jodelle F. -- Temporal Compensation in a Quantity Language / Lehiste, Ilse -- L’accentuation des pronoms personnels en français standard / Léon, Monique -- Apport de la glottospectrographie à l’étude des tons / Lhote, Elisabeth -- The Breath-Group as a Constructive Element in Charles Olson’s “Projective Verse” / Lieberman, Marcia R. / Lieberman, Philip -- Tone System Typology and Distinctive Features / Maddieson, Ian -- Comparative Study of Intonation Patterns in Normal Hearing and Hearing Impaired Infants / Manolson, Ayala -- The Nuclear Stress Rule and the Description of English Stress / McAllister, Robert -- The Acoustic Parameters of Stress in Relation to Syllable Position, Speech Loudness and Rate / Mcclean, Michael D. -- Quelques variations de l’intonation dans les parlers parisiens / Mettas, Odette -- Temporal Patterns in Dutch / Nooteboom, S.G. -- Rhythmical Patterns and Syllabic Features of the Spanish Sense-Group / Olsen, Carroll L. -- The Acoustic Differentiation of Serbo-Croatian Word-Tones in Statement Environments / Purcell, Edward T. -- Les paramètres acoustiques de l’accent en tchèque / Rigault, André / Arkwright, Thomas -- Sur la sémantique des moyens de l’intonation / Romportl, Milan -- Etude acoustique et auditive des facteurs d’intelligibilité de la voix chantée / Scotto Di Carlo, Nicole -- Further Experimental Studies of Fundamental Frequency Contours / Studdert-Kennedy, Michael / Hadding, Kerstin -- Malecite Prosodies / Szabó, Lászlo -- A Statistical Analysis of Melody Curves in the Intonation of American English / Takefuta, Yukio / Jancosek, Elizabeth G. / Brunt, Michael -- Description d’une unité d’analyse des paramètres prosodiques / Teston, Bernard -- Evidences of Semantic Determinants of Prosodie Features in English / Tibbitts, Ernest L. -- The Binary Suprasegmental Features of English / Vanderslice, Ralph -- The Intonation of Replies to Wh-Questions in English / Wode, Henning -- SECTION E. PHONOLOGY AND PHONOLOGICAL MODELS / PHONOLOGIE ET MODÈLES PHONOLOGIQUES -- The Functional Level of Archiphoneme / Akamatsu, Tsutomu -- Mirror-Image Rules and Disjunctive Ordering / Anderson, Stephen R. -- The ‘Articulation Base’ and Chomsky’s ‘Neutral Position’ / Annan, W.R. Brian -- The Mechanical Conversion of Hungarian Script to Phonetic Notation / Wright, Thomas Ark / Kerek, Andrew -- A Probability-Theoretical Decision Model for the Automatic Classification of Signals / Backhausen, W.J. -- Phonemic Analysis of Speech Development: The Crucial Fifth Year / Blanchard, Irene -- Elargissement de la notion de pertinence / Buyssens, Eric -- On the Phonology of Expressive Forms in a Generative Grammar — A Casein- Point from Ukrainian / Dearmond, Richard C. -- Kotoba Theory and Speechology / Emoto, Susumu -- On the Reality of Linguistic Constructs: Evidence from Speech Errors / Fromkin, Victoria A. -- Some Uses of Phonetic Data in Communication Systems / Harms, L. S. -- Some Problems in Identifying the Distinctive Features of Portuguese Consonants / Head, Brian F. -- Hungarian Evidence for Abstract Phonology / Jensen, John T. -- Perceptual Factors in Phonology / Jonasson, Jan -- Vokabularrepräsentation zur automatischen Identifikation bei DAWID II / Kotten, Kurt -- Messwerte für die Äquivalenz einer Übersetzung / Kroes-Hecht, B. Maria -- The Hierarchie Principle / Malmberg, Bertil -- Centralist and Peripheralist Orientation in Models of Speech Production / Mansell, Philip -- Vers une description fonctionnelle et structurale automatique d’objets linguistiques / Martin, Philippe -- Clusters as Single Underlying Consonants: Evidence from Children's Production / Menyuk, Paula -- Physical Models in Phonology / Ohala, John J. -- Some Sociolinguistic Characteristics of Phonetic Analysis / Pellowe, John N.H. / Nixon, G. / McNeany, Y. -- Text-Guided Automatic Analysis of the Speech Signal as a Possible Means of Approximating Automatic Speech Recognition / Richter, Helmut -- A Note on ‘Hole in the System’ and ‘Phonological Space’ / Rochet, Bernard -- Phonetic and Phonological Aspects of ‘Deep Structures’ / Rudnyćkyj, Jaroslav B. -- Implications of Temporal Compensation for Speech Production Models / Shockey, Linda / Gregorski, Richard -- Peripheral Feedback Mechanisms in Speech Production Models ? / Smith, Timothy S. / Lee, Charles Y. -- The Role of Speech Synthesis in the Development of Phonetic Theory / Tatham, Marcel A.A. -- Phonetic Events and their Retinal Representations / Tillmann, Hans G. -- Ansätze eines zeitabhängigen Artikulationsmodells / Vieregge, Wilhelm H. -- PART IV. FREE DISCUSSIONS / DISCUSSIONS LIBRES -- PART V. SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT DEMONSTRATION / PRÉSENTATION DE MATÉRIEL SCIENTIFIQUE -- PART VI. MEETINGS OF THE PERMANENT COUNCIL AND ASSOCIATIONS / RÉUNION DU CONSEIL PERMANENT ET D'ASSOCIATIONS -- PART VII. CLOSING SESSION / SÉANCE DE CLÔTURE -- LIST OF PARTICIPANTS / LISTE DES CONGRESSISTES -- APPENDIX -- Voice Recognition by Man, Animal, and Machine / Truby, Henry M. -- INDEXweiterlesen

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Elektronisches Format: PDF

Sprache(n): Englisch, Französisch

ISBN: 978-3-11-081475-0 / 978-3110814750 / 9783110814750

Verlag: de Gruyter Mouton

Erscheinungsdatum: 04.12.2017

Seiten: 1322

Auflage: 1

Herausgegeben von André Rigault, René Charbonneau

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