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The Political Economy of Lobbying

Channels of Influence and their Regulation

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

Lobbying is not only the subject of ongoing, heated debates in politics and the public sphere but has also been a focus of the social sciences for decades. This edited volume provides an overview of the current state of research on lobbying from the perspective of Public Choice as a subfield of political science and economics. After a brief introduction to the field, Part I provides an overview of basic concepts and political-economic theories of lobbying from the standpoints of various subfields of Public Choice. Subsequently, Part II investigates the various channels used by interest groups to influence policymakers, such as party donations, informational lobbying, hiring politicians, etc. These chapters also discuss the possibilities and limits of regulating the respective channels. Lastly, Part III sheds light on lobbying in selected regions (i.e., the United States, European Union, Russia, and China).  weiterlesen

Dieser Artikel gehört zu den folgenden Serien

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Sprache(n): Englisch

ISBN: 978-3-031-44393-0 / 978-3031443930 / 9783031443930

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.01.2024

Seiten: 384

Herausgegeben von Karsten Mause, Andreas Polk

149,79 € inkl. MwSt.
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