Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien / Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien
Produktform: Buch
Mit Beiträgen von
DOUG BROWN Cooperative versus Competitive Federalism: Outcomes and Consequences of Intergovernmental Relations on Climate Change Issues in Canada
SIMON J. KISS The Red-Green Divide in Canada: Class Differences in Environmental Attitudes in Canada and their Consequences for the Party System
KATHRYN HARRISON Multilevel Governance and American Influence on Canadian Climate Policy: The California Effect vs. the Washington Effect
PETRA DOLATA How ‘Green’ is Canada’s Arctic Policy? The Role of the Environment and Environmental Security in the Arctic
DELACEY TEDESCO Politicizing Urbanization: The Sustainable City Ideal in Kelowna, British Columbia
ELAINE A. FERRIER AND BRENDON M.H. LARSON Biodiversity and Conservation Framing in Canada:
A Case Study of the Oak Ridges Moraineweiterlesen