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Der Berliner Salon im 19. Jahrhundert (1780-1914)

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

The "Historische Kommission zu Berlin" (Historical Commssion of Berlin) explores the history of the region as well as the historical geography of Berlin-Brandenburg and Brandenburg-Prussia. The commission carries out this exploration through academic research, lectures, conferences, and publications, and offers its service for researchers and other institutes. In doing this, the commission cooperates with other institutes and accompanies academic and practical projects which are of public interest. The series "Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin" (VHKB; Publications of the Historical Commisison of Berlin) publishes the results of the various academic projects of the commission.

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 1039 Seiten

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Erscheinungsdatum: 06.09.2011

249,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Die Brandenburgischen Kirchenvisitations-Abschiede und -Register... / Das Land Ruppin

Inspektionen Neuruppin, Wusterhausen, Gransee und Zehdenick

Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)

The "Historische Kommission zu Berlin" (Historical Commssion of Berlin) explores the history of the region as well as the historical geography of Berlin-Brandenburg and Brandenburg-Prussia. The commission carries out this exploration through academic research, lectures, conferences, and publications, and offers its service for researchers and other institutes. In doing this, the commission cooperates with other institutes and accompanies academic and practical projects which are of public interest. The series "Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin" (VHKB; Publications of the Historical Commisison of Berlin) publishes the results of the various academic projects of the commission.

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 500 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.05.1963

149,95 € inkl. MwSt.
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Beiträge zur Entstehung und Entwicklung der Stadt Brandenburg im Mittelalter

Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)

The "Historische Kommission zu Berlin" (Historical Commssion of Berlin) explores the history of the region as well as the historical geography of Berlin-Brandenburg and Brandenburg-Prussia. The commission carries out this exploration through academic research, lectures, conferences, and publications, and offers its service for researchers and other institutes. In doing this, the commission cooperates with other institutes and accompanies academic and practical projects which are of public interest. The series "Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin" (VHKB; Publications of the Historical Commisison of Berlin) publishes the results of the various academic projects of the commission.

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 394 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.1993

149,95 € inkl. MwSt.
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Historischer Handatlas von Brandenburg und Berlin. Nachträge / Städtische Siedlungen im Mittelalter

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

The "Historische Kommission zu Berlin" (Historical Commssion of Berlin) explores the history of the region as well as the historical geography of Berlin-Brandenburg and Brandenburg-Prussia. The commission carries out this exploration through academic research, lectures, conferences, and publications, and offers its service for researchers and other institutes. In doing this, the commission cooperates with other institutes and accompanies academic and practical projects which are of public interest. The series "Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin" (VHKB; Publications of the Historical Commisison of Berlin) publishes the results of the various academic projects of the commission.

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 28 Seiten

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Erscheinungsdatum: 06.02.2013

159,00 € inkl. MwSt.
Multi-user eBook price
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preussischen Geschichte

Ausgewählte Aufsätze

Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)

The "Historische Kommission zu Berlin" (Historical Commssion of Berlin) explores the history of the region as well as the historical geography of Berlin-Brandenburg and Brandenburg-Prussia. The commission carries out this exploration through academic research, lectures, conferences, and publications, and offers its service for researchers and other institutes. In doing this, the commission cooperates with other institutes and accompanies academic and practical projects which are of public interest. The series "Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin" (VHKB; Publications of the Historical Commisison of Berlin) publishes the results of the various academic projects of the commission.

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 318 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.1964

109,95 € inkl. MwSt.
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Hugenotten unterm Hakenkreuz

Studien zur Geschichte der Französischen Kirche zu Berlin 1933-1945

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

The "Historische Kommission zu Berlin" (Historical Commssion of Berlin) explores the history of the region as well as the historical geography of Berlin-Brandenburg and Brandenburg-Prussia. The commission carries out this exploration through academic research, lectures, conferences, and publications, and offers its service for researchers and other institutes. In doing this, the commission cooperates with other institutes and accompanies academic and practical projects which are of public interest. The series "Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin" (VHKB; Publications of the Historical Commisison of Berlin) publishes the results of the various academic projects of the commission.

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 670 Seiten

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Erscheinungsdatum: 19.12.2016

159,00 € inkl. MwSt.
Multi-user eBook price
kostenloser Versand

sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

zum Artikel

Öffentliche Nahverkehrspolitik in Berlin und Paris 1890-1914

Strukturbedingungen, politische Konzeptionen und Realisierungsprobleme

Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)

The "Historische Kommission zu Berlin" (Historical Commssion of Berlin) explores the history of the region as well as the historical geography of Berlin-Brandenburg and Brandenburg-Prussia. The commission carries out this exploration through academic research, lectures, conferences, and publications, and offers its service for researchers and other institutes. In doing this, the commission cooperates with other institutes and accompanies academic and practical projects which are of public interest. The series "Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin" (VHKB; Publications of the Historical Commisison of Berlin) publishes the results of the various academic projects of the commission.

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 682 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.02.1999

229,00 € inkl. MwSt.
List Price
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Friedrich Meinecke

Persönlichkeit und politisches Denken bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges

Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)

The "Historische Kommission zu Berlin" (Historical Commssion of Berlin) explores the history of the region as well as the historical geography of Berlin-Brandenburg and Brandenburg-Prussia. The commission carries out this exploration through academic research, lectures, conferences, and publications, and offers its service for researchers and other institutes. In doing this, the commission cooperates with other institutes and accompanies academic and practical projects which are of public interest. The series "Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin" (VHKB; Publications of the Historical Commisison of Berlin) publishes the results of the various academic projects of the commission.

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 398 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.11.1995

159,95 € inkl. MwSt.
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Der Kampf um die Mark 1923/24

Die deutsche Währungsstabilisierung unter dem Einfluß der nationalen Interessen Frankreichs, Großbritanniens und der USA

Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)

The "Historische Kommission zu Berlin" (Historical Commssion of Berlin) explores the history of the region as well as the historical geography of Berlin-Brandenburg and Brandenburg-Prussia. The commission carries out this exploration through academic research, lectures, conferences, and publications, and offers its service for researchers and other institutes. In doing this, the commission cooperates with other institutes and accompanies academic and practical projects which are of public interest. The series "Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin" (VHKB; Publications of the Historical Commisison of Berlin) publishes the results of the various academic projects of the commission.

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 214 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.05.1987

109,95 € inkl. MwSt.
List Price
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Öffentliche Finanzen und Finanzpolitik in Berlin 1945–1961

Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von Ost- und West-Berlin (mit Datenanhang 1945-1989)

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

The "Historische Kommission zu Berlin" (Historical Commssion of Berlin) explores the history of the region as well as the historical geography of Berlin-Brandenburg and Brandenburg-Prussia. The commission carries out this exploration through academic research, lectures, conferences, and publications, and offers its service for researchers and other institutes. In doing this, the commission cooperates with other institutes and accompanies academic and practical projects which are of public interest. The series "Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin" (VHKB; Publications of the Historical Commisison of Berlin) publishes the results of the various academic projects of the commission.

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 358 Seiten

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Erscheinungsdatum: 19.03.2018

159,00 € inkl. MwSt.
Multi-user eBook price
kostenloser Versand

sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

zum Artikel