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Pragmatism and Embodied Cognitive Science

From Bodily Intersubjectivity to Symbolic Articulation

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

Mit dem Abschluss des Humangenomprojekts und den Fortschritten der Lebenswissenschaften stellt sich die Frage nach dem Selbstverständnis des Menschen in geradezu dramatischer Weise. Das neu gewonnene Wissen über den Menschen muss analysiert, aufgearbeitet und bewertet werden. Nicht nur in den Lebens-, sondern auch in den Kulturwissenschaften stellt sich daher die Frage nach dem Selbstverständnis des Menschen, das unsere Handlungen und Bewertungen sowie unsere Orientierung in der Welt prägt. Die Forschenden stehen hierbei jedoch vor der Herausforderung, dass vertraute Intuitionen fragwürdig geworden sind, feststehende Terminologien nicht zur Verfügung stehen und die neuen Erkenntnisse vielleicht grundlegend neue Antworten verlangen. Die Buchreihe Humanprojekt nimmt diese Herausforderung an. Sie schafft eine Plattform, um einen forschungsrelevanten, dabei aber auch öffentlich wirksamen Dialog der Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften über die vielfältigen Dimensionen der Frage nach dem Menschen zu führen. Monographien und thematisch fokussierte Sammelbände, verfasst von ausgewiesenen Forscherinnen und Forschern, behandeln umfassend einzelne Elemente einer aktuellen Anthropologie. Ein systematischer Überblick und vielfältige interdisziplinäre Verknüpfungen auf dem aktuellsten Stand der Forschung weisen die Bände als Referenzwerke zum jeweiligen Thema aus. Aktuelle Referenzwerke zur Anthropologie Analyse und Bewertung neuester Entwicklungen in den Lebenswissenschaften Erstklassige WissenschaftlerInnen Interdisziplinäre Kompetenz Klare Darlegung aller verwendeten Begriffe: ideale Werke für interessierte Laien Reihenherausgeber: Detlev Ganten, Charité‑ Universitätsmedizin Berlin Volker Gerhardt, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Jan-Christoph Heilinger, Universität Zürich Julian Nida-Rümelin, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 312 Seiten

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Erscheinungsdatum: 24.10.2016

129,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Funktionen des Lebendigen

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

With the conclusion of the Human Genome Project and the continuing advancement of research in the life sciences, the question of the self-understanding of man has become ever more relevant. The newly gained knowledge about man must be analyzed, processed and evaluated. This question of human self-understanding‑ so crucial for our actions and evaluations and also our orientation in the world‑ is therefore being posed not only by the life sciences, but also by cultural studies. Here, however the researchers are confronted with the challenge that familiar intuitions have become obsolete, established terminologies are not available and that the new insights may require fundamentally new answers. The series Humanprojekt takes on this challenge. It creates a platform for carrying on a dialogue between the natural and social sciences and the humanities on the multifaceted dimensions of the questions regarding man‑ a dialogue that is both research-relevant and publicly effective. Monographs and theme-focused collective volumes, written by well-known researchers, comprehensively explore the individual elements of current anthropology. A systematic overview and many different interdisciplinary references to the latest research and scholarship distinguish the volumes as reference works for the respective topic. Up-to-date reference works on anthropology Analysis and evaluation of the latest developments in the life sciences Top-ranked scientists Interdisciplinary competence Clear explanation of all terms used: ideal reference works for an interested general readership

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 295 Seiten

Elektronisches Format:

Erscheinungsdatum: 26.09.2016

129,00 € inkl. MwSt.
Multi-user eBook price
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Pragmatism and Embodied Cognitive Science

From Bodily Intersubjectivity to Symbolic Articulation

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

Mit dem Abschluss des Humangenomprojekts und den Fortschritten der Lebenswissenschaften stellt sich die Frage nach dem Selbstverständnis des Menschen in geradezu dramatischer Weise. Das neu gewonnene Wissen über den Menschen muss analysiert, aufgearbeitet und bewertet werden. Nicht nur in den Lebens-, sondern auch in den Kulturwissenschaften stellt sich daher die Frage nach dem Selbstverständnis des Menschen, das unsere Handlungen und Bewertungen sowie unsere Orientierung in der Welt prägt. Die Forschenden stehen hierbei jedoch vor der Herausforderung, dass vertraute Intuitionen fragwürdig geworden sind, feststehende Terminologien nicht zur Verfügung stehen und die neuen Erkenntnisse vielleicht grundlegend neue Antworten verlangen. Die Buchreihe Humanprojekt nimmt diese Herausforderung an. Sie schafft eine Plattform, um einen forschungsrelevanten, dabei aber auch öffentlich wirksamen Dialog der Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften über die vielfältigen Dimensionen der Frage nach dem Menschen zu führen. Monographien und thematisch fokussierte Sammelbände, verfasst von ausgewiesenen Forscherinnen und Forschern, behandeln umfassend einzelne Elemente einer aktuellen Anthropologie. Ein systematischer Überblick und vielfältige interdisziplinäre Verknüpfungen auf dem aktuellsten Stand der Forschung weisen die Bände als Referenzwerke zum jeweiligen Thema aus. Aktuelle Referenzwerke zur Anthropologie Analyse und Bewertung neuester Entwicklungen in den Lebenswissenschaften Erstklassige WissenschaftlerInnen Interdisziplinäre Kompetenz Klare Darlegung aller verwendeten Begriffe: ideale Werke für interessierte Laien Reihenherausgeber: Detlev Ganten, Charité‑ Universitätsmedizin Berlin Volker Gerhardt, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Jan-Christoph Heilinger, Universität Zürich Julian Nida-Rümelin, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 312 Seiten

Elektronisches Format:

Erscheinungsdatum: 24.10.2016

129,00 € inkl. MwSt.
Multi-user eBook price
kostenloser Versand

sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Anthropologie und Ethik

Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)

With the conclusion of the Human Genome Project and the continuing advancement of research in the life sciences, the question of the self-understanding of man has become ever more relevant. The newly gained knowledge about man must be analyzed, processed and evaluated. This question of human self-understanding ‑ so crucial for our actions and evaluations and also our orientation in the world ‑ is therefore being posed not only by the life sciences, but also by cultural studies. Here, however the researchers are confronted with the challenge that familiar intuitions have become obsolete, established terminologies are not available and that the new insights may require fundamentally new answers. The series Humanprojekt takes on this challenge. It creates a platform for carrying on a dialogue between the natural and social sciences and the humanities on the multifaceted dimensions of the questions regarding man ‑ a dialogue that is both research-relevant and publicly effective. Monographs and theme-focused collective volumes, written by well-known researchers, comprehensively explore the individual elements of current anthropology. A systematic overview and many different interdisciplinary references to the latest research and scholarship distinguish the volumes as reference works for the respective topic. Up-to-date reference works on anthropology Analysis and evaluation of the latest developments in the life sciences Top-ranked scientists Interdisciplinary competence Clear explanation of all terms used: ideal reference works for an interested general readership

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 232 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 28.08.2015

144,95 € inkl. MwSt.
List Price
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Funktionen des Bewusstseins

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

With the conclusion of the Human Genome Project and the continuing advancement of research in the life sciences, the question of the self-understanding of man has become ever more relevant. The newly gained knowledge about man must be analyzed, processed and evaluated. This question of human self-understanding ‑ so crucial for our actions and evaluations and also our orientation in the world ‑ is therefore being posed not only by the life sciences, but also by cultural studies. Here, however the researchers are confronted with the challenge that familiar intuitions have become obsolete, established terminologies are not available and that the new insights may require fundamentally new answers. The series Humanprojekt takes on this challenge. It creates a platform for carrying on a dialogue between the natural and social sciences and the humanities on the multifaceted dimensions of the questions regarding man ‑ a dialogue that is both research-relevant and publicly effective. Monographs and theme-focused collective volumes, written by well-known researchers, comprehensively explore the individual elements of current anthropology. A systematic overview and many different interdisciplinary references to the latest research and scholarship distinguish the volumes as reference works for the respective topic. Up-to-date reference works on anthropology Analysis and evaluation of the latest developments in the life sciences Top-ranked scientists Interdisciplinary competence Clear explanation of all terms used: ideal reference works for an interested general readership

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 301 Seiten

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Erscheinungsdatum: 10.12.2008

129,00 € inkl. MwSt.
Multi-user eBook price
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Funktionen des Lebendigen

Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)

With the conclusion of the Human Genome Project and the continuing advancement of research in the life sciences, the question of the self-understanding of man has become ever more relevant. The newly gained knowledge about man must be analyzed, processed and evaluated. This question of human self-understanding ‑ so crucial for our actions and evaluations and also our orientation in the world ‑ is therefore being posed not only by the life sciences, but also by cultural studies. Here, however the researchers are confronted with the challenge that familiar intuitions have become obsolete, established terminologies are not available and that the new insights may require fundamentally new answers. The series Humanprojekt takes on this challenge. It creates a platform for carrying on a dialogue between the natural and social sciences and the humanities on the multifaceted dimensions of the questions regarding man ‑ a dialogue that is both research-relevant and publicly effective. Monographs and theme-focused collective volumes, written by well-known researchers, comprehensively explore the individual elements of current anthropology. A systematic overview and many different interdisciplinary references to the latest research and scholarship distinguish the volumes as reference works for the respective topic. Up-to-date reference works on anthropology Analysis and evaluation of the latest developments in the life sciences Top-ranked scientists Interdisciplinary competence Clear explanation of all terms used: ideal reference works for an interested general readership

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 295 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 26.09.2016

144,95 € inkl. MwSt.
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Historische, systematische und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

With the conclusion of the Human Genome Project and the continuing advancement of research in the life sciences, the question of the self-understanding of man has become ever more relevant. The newly gained knowledge about man must be analyzed, processed and evaluated. This question of human self-understanding‑ so crucial for our actions and evaluations and also our orientation in the world‑ is therefore being posed not only by the life sciences, but also by cultural studies. Here, however the researchers are confronted with the challenge that familiar intuitions have become obsolete, established terminologies are not available and that the new insights may require fundamentally new answers. The series Humanprojekt takes on this challenge. It creates a platform for carrying on a dialogue between the natural and social sciences and the humanities on the multifaceted dimensions of the questions regarding man‑ a dialogue that is both research-relevant and publicly effective. Monographs and theme-focused collective volumes, written by well-known researchers, comprehensively explore the individual elements of current anthropology. A systematic overview and many different interdisciplinary references to the latest research and scholarship distinguish the volumes as reference works for the respective topic. Up-to-date reference works on anthropology Analysis and evaluation of the latest developments in the life sciences Top-ranked scientists Interdisciplinary competence Clear explanation of all terms used: ideal reference works for an interested general readership

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 271 Seiten

Elektronisches Format:

Erscheinungsdatum: 26.10.2020

129,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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Selbst, Welt und Technik

Eine anthropologische, geistesgeschichtliche und ethische Untersuchung

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

With the conclusion of the Human Genome Project and the continuing advancement of research in the life sciences, the question of the self-understanding of man has become ever more relevant. The newly gained knowledge about man must be analyzed, processed and evaluated. This question of human self-understanding‑ so crucial for our actions and evaluations and also our orientation in the world‑ is therefore being posed not only by the life sciences, but also by cultural studies. Here, however the researchers are confronted with the challenge that familiar intuitions have become obsolete, established terminologies are not available and that the new insights may require fundamentally new answers. The series Humanprojekt takes on this challenge. It creates a platform for carrying on a dialogue between the natural and social sciences and the humanities on the multifaceted dimensions of the questions regarding man‑ a dialogue that is both research-relevant and publicly effective. Monographs and theme-focused collective volumes, written by well-known researchers, comprehensively explore the individual elements of current anthropology. A systematic overview and many different interdisciplinary references to the latest research and scholarship distinguish the volumes as reference works for the respective topic. Up-to-date reference works on anthropology Analysis and evaluation of the latest developments in the life sciences Top-ranked scientists Interdisciplinary competence Clear explanation of all terms used: ideal reference works for an interested general readership

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 322 Seiten

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Erscheinungsdatum: 27.11.2013

129,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Funktionen des Erlebens

Neue Perspektiven des qualitativen Bewusstseins

Produktform: E-Buch Text Elektronisches Buch in proprietärem

With the conclusion of the Human Genome Project and the continuing advancement of research in the life sciences, the question of the self-understanding of man has become ever more relevant. The newly gained knowledge about man must be analyzed, processed and evaluated. This question of human self-understanding ‑ so crucial for our actions and evaluations and also our orientation in the world ‑ is therefore being posed not only by the life sciences, but also by cultural studies. Here, however the researchers are confronted with the challenge that familiar intuitions have become obsolete, established terminologies are not available and that the new insights may require fundamentally new answers. The series Humanprojekt takes on this challenge. It creates a platform for carrying on a dialogue between the natural and social sciences and the humanities on the multifaceted dimensions of the questions regarding man ‑ a dialogue that is both research-relevant and publicly effective. Monographs and theme-focused collective volumes, written by well-known researchers, comprehensively explore the individual elements of current anthropology. A systematic overview and many different interdisciplinary references to the latest research and scholarship distinguish the volumes as reference works for the respective topic. Up-to-date reference works on anthropology Analysis and evaluation of the latest developments in the life sciences Top-ranked scientists Interdisciplinary competence Clear explanation of all terms used: ideal reference works for an interested general readership

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 442 Seiten

Elektronisches Format: PDF

Erscheinungsdatum: 15.12.2009

129,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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Identität von Personen

Eine Strukturanalyse des biographischen Selbstverständnisses

Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)

With the conclusion of the Human Genome Project and the continuing advancement of research in the life sciences, the question of the self-understanding of man has become ever more relevant. The newly gained knowledge about man must be analyzed, processed and evaluated. This question of human self-understanding ‑ so crucial for our actions and evaluations and also our orientation in the world ‑ is therefore being posed not only by the life sciences, but also by cultural studies. Here, however the researchers are confronted with the challenge that familiar intuitions have become obsolete, established terminologies are not available and that the new insights may require fundamentally new answers. The series Humanprojekt takes on this challenge. It creates a platform for carrying on a dialogue between the natural and social sciences and the humanities on the multifaceted dimensions of the questions regarding man ‑ a dialogue that is both research-relevant and publicly effective. Monographs and theme-focused collective volumes, written by well-known researchers, comprehensively explore the individual elements of current anthropology. A systematic overview and many different interdisciplinary references to the latest research and scholarship distinguish the volumes as reference works for the respective topic. Up-to-date reference works on anthropology Analysis and evaluation of the latest developments in the life sciences Top-ranked scientists Interdisciplinary competence Clear explanation of all terms used: ideal reference works for an interested general readership

Verlag: De Gruyter, Auflage 1, 229 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 15.01.2016

94,95 € inkl. MwSt.
List Price
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sofort lieferbar - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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