Confocal and near-field measurements with a parabolic mirror
Produktform: Buch
Marcus Sackrow
Confocal and near-field measurements with a parabolic mirror
(Konfokale und nahfeldoptische Messungen
mit einem Parabolspiegel)
120 Seiten. Zahlreiche Abbildungen, 42 davon in Farbe.
Broschur. Preis: 36,00 Euro. ISBN 978-3-938807-57-6.
Rhombos-Verlag, Berlin 2008
The trend in current research leads to ever smaller structures resulting in a need for new methods to characterise their size and shape and to explore surprising effects in the nanometre regime. Here, an optical microscope is presented where the parabolic mirror as focussing element provides ultra-sensitive confocal microscopy as well as high-resolution nearfield imaging and spectroscopy. The main part of this book deals with the setup working as an apertureless scanning nearfield optical microscope. A sharp gold tip is scanned over a gold surface, achieving the highest optical resolution ever reached (below 5 nm). Theoretical calculations and simulations help to get a deeper understanding of the physics in the small gap between the gold tip and the gold surface.weiterlesen