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Komplettverkauf kommunalen Wohneigentums an internationale Investoren

Governanceanalytische Betrachtung der Folgen für Prozesse der Stadtentwicklung und des Wohnungsmarktes

Produktform: Buch / Einband - flex.(Paperback)

Since the late 1990s deregulation has begun to effect public housing. Some public housing owners sold their whole companies. How do approaches, communication and strategies for collaboration of key actors develop under conditions of structural change? The focus of the comparative empirical case studies in Kiel, Osnabrück and Wilhelmshaven rests with a governance approach on the fields of urban development and the housing market. An evaluation allows conclusions to be drawn for praxis and further research. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Certainly since the late 1990s, if not earlier, deregulation as well as local authority debt reduction eventually has gegun to take effect on local authority housing. In this context, the owners of public housing sold large quantities of their housing stock as well as whole housing companies. Characteristic for the current situation is a tension between a stable stock of rented property (both in condition and market value) on the one side and international ‚new investors’, who are largely driv- en by financial interest and acquire large property portfolios on the other side. This tension is specifi- cally grounded in the particularities of housing as economic and social good. While the amortisation of capital investment per housing unit in the rented sector is only realised after decades by means of rental income, the ‚new investors’ are primarily interested in a high and fast capital turnover. The sale of publicly owned housing property, which is often in high need of modernisation and re- furbishment, to international investors creates new opportunities for the housing economy due to different approaches to management and marketing. At the same time, such sale to ‚new investors’ also bears risks for housing markets, urban renewal and urban planning. In this context, local authorities that have sold their entire housing stock not only face a growing range of actors with increasingly diversified economic interests. In addition, local authorities are ex- pected to initiate processes of integrated urban development in order to respond to structural change and its consequences. Complicating matters further, they have to rely exclusively on third party actors to secure the housing provision for low-income households. Research into newly emerging and changing relationships between actors in local housing markets is only in its beginnings in the field of regional studies. Possible consequences of the market entry of ‚new investors’ for urban development, the housing market as well as for local cooperation have so far rarely been studied. It remains unknown until now - whether the market entry of ‚new investors’ has an impact on the strategic orientation for action of local authorities and housing stockholder, and - Whether collective strategic orientations for action are possible between new and old competitors in the housing economy. This study intends to close this research gap. Over its ten chapters, this doctoral thesis pursues as its key question: following the complete sale of local authority housing stock, how do approaches, communication as well as strategies for collaboration of key actors in the housing markets develop under conditions of structural change? The focus of the comparative empirical case studies rests on the fields of urban development and the housing market. The period under investigation were the years from 1999 to 2009. Grounded in a comprehensive analysis of theory and secondary statistical data, the research addresses a predominately application-oriented remit. By means of analysing the cities of Kiel, Osnabrück and Wilhelmshaven, the following aims are pursued and subjected to a systematic comparison: Analysis of the application of local authority instruments to achieve aims of urban development and housing policy, Account of the new demands on local authority remit, approach and negotiating positions as well as approaches to housing following the market entry of ‚new investors’, Account of the consequences of the market entry of ‚new actors’ on urban development, the hous- ing market and for safeguarding the statuory tasks of local authorities. Key findings of the study are as follows: The consequences of structural change shape the strategic action, both collective and competitive, of local authorities as well as housing actors disproportionately stronger than the market entry of new actors. The income generated from stock sales did not achieve a lasting debt relief for local authorities. No structural changes to local authority budgetary policy took place. With the market entry of ‚new investors’ • no immediate strategic re-orientation of local authority activity or of long-established housing actors in the market actors took place, • locally strongly heterogeneous approaches of new and old housing actors as well as local authorities could be evidenced, • local authorities’ negotiating positions in the housing market and urban development were weakened, despite their differing strategic and collaborative approaches, • the implementation of local authority interests for a sustainable urban development became more difficult in principle, • the purpose (also to a large extent the communication), and thus the responsibility, of private ac tors in processes of urban development and in the housing market was lost, • local authority planning instruments and incentives lost their ability to influence the existing mar ket base due to the generally low interest and willingness of the ‚new investors’ to engage or col laborate in investment.

Verlag: Rhombos-Verlag, Auflage 1, 456 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 22.12.2014

39,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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Energie- und CO2-Bilanz von Kompostierungsanlagen – die Basis für einen Effizienzpass

Band 10 der Reihe Manuskripte zur Abfallwirtschaft

Produktform: Buch / Einband - fest (Hardcover)

Verlag: Rhombos-Verlag, 176 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 30.04.2011

32,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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36,50 € inkl. MwSt.
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Personifikationen des Bösen

Hölle, Teufel und Dämonen in der Bibel und in der christlichen Tradition

Produktform: Buch

Verlag: Rhombos-Verlag, Auflage 1, 220 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 31.10.2007

19,90 € inkl. MwSt.
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Integration der Bestandqualität in die Zertifizierung von Gebäuden

Entwicklung eines ökonomisch-ökologischen Bewertungssystems für nachhaltiges Bauen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Bestandsbauten und traditionellen Bauweisen

Produktform: Buch / Einband - flex.(Paperback)

Summary In the doctoral thesis at hand existing sustainability assessment schemes are presented, analysed and compared with each other. On the basis of existing systems and the results of the comparison an economical-ecological assessment system is being developed focusing on the refurbishment of buildings using traditional building principles. Beside traditional building principles such as the utilisation of clay, the integration of old techniques of crafts, intelligent building architecture for heating and cooling etc. modern and efficient building technologies are considered as well of course. In the thesis sustainable or ecological building respectively is identified as a crucial measurement in the framework of the protection of the climate. Furthermore, possible areas of integrating such principles in the refurbishment of existing buildings are described. Traditional building principles from all over the world are presented and common principles offering advantages for the refurbishment as well as for the construction of new buildings are named. With a comparative analysis and cirital review of existing assessment schemes for sustainable building being in use in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Japan, Canada, Australia and as of 2009 in Germany as well criteria are developed being important for a system focussing on existing buildings and in which traditional building principles are relevant as well. At the end of the day the overall target of such an assessment scheme is to inform planners, house owners, and other stakeholders involved in the building process by the means of an instrument that illustrates the possibility of an increase of resource efficiency while at the same time a refurbishment that protects the existing construction. Research questions being dealt with implicitly and explicitly are listed in the following: Applying principals and methods of traditional building and the use of traditional building material can improve resource productivity and the overall sustainability of buildings. Existing buildings require a specific accuracy in case of refurbishment due to the complex interrelations concerning the exchange of warmth and moisture inside the building, especially when the building is retrofit in terms of its energetic efficiency. Traditional building can strengthen regional economies through the assignment of local craftsmen. Assessment schemes are able to improve the knowledge of house owners concerning advantages and disadvantages of traditional building. As such the application of traditional building can be fostered and damages at buildings can be avoided. There a comparable opportunities of traditional building in international context. Most new buildings are built according to modern architecture and are therefore similar concerning the construction as well as the used materials independent from the climatic zone they are located in. Traditional building principles and materials may improve resource productivity as a construction method being better adapted to the respective climatic conditions. The building of new houses in thorough accordance with building tradition is not desirable as the requirements of modern house owners are considerably higher, and in many cases the building legislation is restricting this.

Verlag: Rhombos-Verlag, Auflage 1, 228 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.12.2011

40,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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Wie entsteht Mobbing?

Entwicklung und Prüfung eines Modells

Produktform: Buch / Einband - flex.(Paperback)

Verlag: Rhombos-Verlag, Auflage 1, 184 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 22.10.2003

21,40 € inkl. MwSt.
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Wege zur Persönlichen Autorität junger Frauen

Persönlichkeitsentwicklung in Abhängigkeit von der Position im Herkunftsfamiliensystem

Produktform: Buch

Verlag: Rhombos-Verlag, Auflage 1, 154 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 29.02.2008

29,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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Vertikalvereinbarungen nach § 16 GWB im Lichte des Kartellverbotes

Die Abgrenzung zwischen des §§ 1 und 16 Nr. 2, 3 GWB und die Immanenztheorie nach der 6. GWB-Novelle

Produktform: Buch / Einband - flex.(Paperback)

Verlag: Rhombos-Verlag, Auflage 1, 324 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 30.09.2002

25,60 € inkl. MwSt.
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Durch Prozessregelung zum Rotteerfolg

Ein modellbasiertes Regelungskonzept für biologische aerobe Abfallbehandlungsanlagen auf der Grundlage von Fuzzy Logic

Produktform: Buch / Einband - flex.(Paperback)

Verlag: Rhombos-Verlag, Auflage 1, 288 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.03.2005

32,00 € inkl. MwSt.
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35,30 € inkl. MwSt.
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